Have you been rejected?

This has been a period of reflection for many. Maybe someone from your past has popped up. Maybe an old friend has reached out or you've felt to reach out to them. Or perhaps you've been going over old relationships in your mind without really knowing why. 

I've worked with a lot of clients this month going through exactly that. As I always say - things come up because they are ready to be healed.

One client in particular couldn't shake an ex from over 10 years ago. He was appearing in her dreams, when meeting new romantic interests and generally looming over her head in her everyday thoughts. I found energetic cords tying her and her ex together (the ex didn't want to let go) and removed them through the healing I do.

She was freed from the ties that had bound them together. But there was still a 'looming' related to the ex. I worked to help lift it and discovered it was an emotional weight of self-doubt and self-blame.
She had been blaming herself for loving this person and "not knowing better" about the ex's manipulative behaviours.
She was deeply upset he had left and not chosen her.
She had also been doubting herself whether he ever loved her or indeed whether she was loveable at all

Often when we are hurt by someone we love, we conclude "They must not have loved me if they treated me so poorly" and
"I would never behave as they did to someone I love, so they must not have loved or cared for me at all". 

However, as I helped this client to realise, a person can love you from their heart AND behave in a way that hurts, disrespects and upsets you. They are not mutually exclusive.
And sometimes, a person loves you but isn't ready or can't receive the love you're giving them. So they detach or leave or ghost you..

It doesn't mean you are unloveable.
I doesn't  mean you got it wrong and they never loved you even though you felt it.  
It doesn't  mean there's ANYTHING wrong with you. 
It doesn't  mean you can't trust yourself or your instincts in the future.  
It doesn't  mean the next person will do the same.
Mostly, it has nothing to do with you. 
Because you're awesome after all. 


This can be true of exes, friends, colleagues, family members, even jobs. Maybe you weren't rejected, maybe they just weren't ready for your awesome-ness.

And maybe they even did you a favour in keeping you free for those who ARE ready for you to come in.

And maybe those already have arrived ;)  

I have more to say about this, and will be sharing in the coming weeks. It's an important topic and can lead to so much self-love and freedom 💓

With love and light,
Chandrika 💓💙🧿

PS: If you liked this post, why not share it along? 

Reiki Practitioner & Intuitive Spiritual Coach


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