March 2023: Your Intuitive Card Reading

I hope you enjoy your March Intuitive card reading. My intention is that you receive exactly what you need from this reading to support you for the upcoming month. I used Kyle Gray's Raise your Vibration deck.

Take a look at the two cards below. Which card are you drawn to? The one on the right or left? 


Don't scroll, pause. Ask your soul what it wants you to know for March and let your intuition show you. 

the reveal. 


If you chose LEFT your card is: I AM A LIGHT IN THE WORLD


Take a breath and connect with the image. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising...
I recommend connecting with the image and affirmation first and letting your intuition speak to you before reading ahead.

The guidance related to this card is:


There is a light within us all, and that light will never go out. It existed before we were in our body and will exist beyond our lifetime. It is unborn, therefore it can never die—it’s eternal, infinite. It’s who we really are.

That light has an opportunity to shine whenever it faces darkness.
Darkness is not evil, it’s simply uncertainty. Whenever we are facing a moment of uncertainty,
it’s an opportunity for our light to shine and our gifts to be shared.

The Universe is calling upon your light at this time. Don’t hide it or dim it, let it shine. You may have been holding back, feeling that there’s a specific time for you to reveal yourself fully and shine. That time is now. When you begin to express who you are, you align with a higher power, and that presence reminds you why you are here and what you need to do next.

In times of uncertainty, be the light that you have come to be!

If you chose RIGHT your card is: YOU ARE WORTHY


Take a breath and connect with the image. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising...
I recommend connecting with the image first and letting your intuition speak to you before reading ahead.

The guidance related to this card says: 


Valuing yourself has everything to do with raising your vibration. It helps you recognize that you are deserving of growth and learning. It reminds you that you are deserving of carving out a pathway to success in whatever way you see fit.

The Universe sees you as worthy because you are an extension of its greatness. Do you see yourself as worthy? Your capacity to create a sense of abundance is based on your capacity to believe how worthy you actually are.

Today you are encouraged to see yourself in a loving way and know you are worthy. You are worthy because abundance is inherent in the Universe and you are a facet of the Universe. You are worthy because love is who you are. You are worthy because you are dedicated to walking the pathway of truth. You are worthy because authenticity is shining from the core of your being.

Let the light of your soul fill up the cup of your being until you are overflowing. 


I hope you found your reading helpful and it spoke to you - maybe they both did! Both are very positive and empowering messages! You are stronger and more incredible than you may give yourself credit for.

I offer a 30 minute personalised intuitive card reading. If you're stuck regarding a relationship, job prospect, house move, friendship or money issue a reading is a great boost of clarity and positive energy to help you move forward. During the online reading, you'll receive insights and guidance on a particular topic of your choosing. You'll also receive the card images and messages emailed to you afterwards for you to refer back to. Simply book here 

Fancy a reading for free? Simply recommend me! Recommend me to a friend who hasn't worked with me before and receive a free reading as a thank you gift! 

Sending you love and light,

Chandrika 💛💙🧿🌺💚

PS: If it resonates, please share so more people enjoy these readings 😊

Reiki Practitioner & Intuitive Spiritual Coach



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