May 2023: Your Intuitive Card Reading

I hope you enjoy your May Intuitive card reading. My intention for this reading is that you receive exactly what you need to support you for the month ahead. I used Kyle Gray's Raise your Vibration deck.

Take a look at the two cards below. Which card are you drawn to? The one on the right or left? 


Don't scroll, pause. Ask your soul what it wants you to know for May and let your intuition show you. 

the reveal. 


If you chose LEFT your card is: THE WORLD IS BLESSED TO HAVE YOU


Take a breath and connect with the image. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising...
I recommend connecting with the image and affirmation first and letting your intuition speak to you before reading ahead.

The guidance related to this card is:


You are a blessing to the world. Seriously.
You may not realize how much joy and light you bring, so today the Universe is reminding you of it.
When this card comes to you, the Universe is acknowledging that during your personal journey you have surmounted challenges, healed wounds, and become the brightest, most light‑filled being you have ever been. This is huge.

You have every right to be here on this planet and you have every right to live in the most authentic way possible. Don’t hold back, express yourself, for when you authentically embody your whole self,
you feel safe in your own skin and the Earth becomes a safer place to be,
for the steps you are taking to claim your own healing and safety are radiating from you into the world.

Realise the blessing that you are. If you have ever felt like a burden, know that this is not your truth.
The world is blessed to have you!

If you chose RIGHT your card is: YOU ARE NOT ALONE 


Take a breath and connect with the image. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising...
I recommend connecting with the image first and letting your intuition speak to you before reading ahead.

The guidance related to this card says: 


Everything in the entire Universe is connected. You are connected to your angels, your ancestors, your current loved ones, and even future generations.
For that reason and many more, you are not alone.

Today the Universe reminding you that even when you feel alone,
there is a lot more support available to you than you realize.
The spiritual path isn’t a solo path - you don’t have to figure everything out on your own,
you don’t have to carry a personal burden,
you don’t have to hide your weaknesses in order to succeed.

When this card comes to you, you are being guided to be open to welcoming in help, either by accepting it when it is offered or by asking for it when it is required.
Allowing in support doesn’t make you weak or wounded, it makes you
and real.

In fact, when you refuse support on a human level, there’s a good chance that you are building up walls that stop you from experiencing help on a spiritual level.
It’s time to remove those blockages, so that you can experience the truth that
you are 
never, ever alone.


I hope you found your reading helpful and it spoke to you - maybe they both did! Both are very positive and empowering messages! 

If you'd like a 30 minute personalised intuitive card reading simply book here  If you're stuck regarding a relationship, job prospect, house move, friendship or money issue a reading is a great boost of clarity and positive energy to help you move forward. During the online reading, you'll receive insights and guidance on a particular topic of your choosing. You'll also receive the card images and messages emailed to you afterwards for you to refer back to. Simply book here 

Fancy a reading for free? Simply recommend me! Recommend me to a friend who hasn't worked with me before and receive a free reading as a thank you gift! 

Sending you love and light,

Chandrika 💛💙🧿🌺💚

PS: If it resonates, please share so more people enjoy these readings 😊

Reiki Practitioner & Intuitive Spiritual Coach



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