October 2022: Your Intuitive Oracle Reading

I hope you enjoy your October Intuitive card reading, may it bring you much clarity and reassurance for the month ahead. I was called to use the Native Spirit deck by Denise Linn. As the season has changed very much into autumn, it felt appropriate to connect to the energies of this deck.  

Please take a look at the image below, which calls to you? The card on the left or the right?

Don't scroll, breathe.

Ask your soul what it wants you to know for the month ahead and let your intuition guide you. 



Now, the reveal:


If you chose left, your message is: STORYTELLER


Take a breath and connect with the messages. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising..

The guidance related to this card is: 


"Live larger than life. Make the most of every experience. You can choose the meaning that you give events. Be the storyteller and the hero of your own life.
Give your personal story empowering meanings.

This card chose you to tell you that it's time to clear out the clutter in your life.
Sometimes clutter can be in your closet that you don't love or use. But sometimes clutter can be outmoded relationships or habits that no longer serve you.
The clearer your inner and outer space becomes,
the easier it will be to hear the sweet messages of your soul.

Sometimes this card chooses you when it's time to do some physical detoxification. Fast for a day. Drink green juices. Clear out some clutter. Love it, use it or get rid of it. Even one small item can make a difference." 

If you chose right, your message is: FREEDOM HORSE


Take a breath and connect with the message. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising.

The guidance related to this card says:  


"Let your spirit fly! Do not hold back. Break free and express yourself. Flaunt your stuff, dance, laugh, explore and go beyond predictable behaviour. 
Get out of the rut.
You don't need to fit the mould. Be daring. Fling your arms open to the heavens in joy.

This card chose you to remind you that you aren't here to be ordinary, but to step beyond limitations and self-imposed boundaries.
Don't allow yourself to be trapped by convention or the expectations of others. 
Replace the phrase "I should" with "I could... But I choose not to at this time."
Perhaps you aren't always free to create the exact circumstances of your life - but you're certainly able to decide what meaning to give those situations. 
Select meanings that empower you, for this is a time to break free.

The way you use your body can change your state. Put on music and dance with abandon. As you do so, this sends a powerful message
to your subconscious that you are indeed truly free!" 

I hope your message resonated with you! I hope whichever you chose, it had a nugget for you and you have the best month ahead 😊

I found it interesting both messages said to give positive, empowering meanings to the stories and circumstances in your life. This is the perfect time for a reframe! 

If you'd like a personalised Intuitive Card Reading you can simply book here. You will receive a personalised card reading and guidance on your issue in a 30 minute session. You'll also receive an image and description of your card by email afterwards, so you can refer back to.

We will focus on one particular area you need guidance on. Many clients have chosen to have a reading on love, money, career, relationships, house move, job move, getting past grief of a loved one, getting over an ex. The possibilities are endless! 

I wish you a beautiful weekend and month ahead. You got this!

With love and light,
Chandrika ❣️

 PS: If it resonates, please share this reading with a friend 😊

 Reiki Practitioner & Intuitive Spiritual Coach


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