August 2023: Your Intuitive Card Reading

Happy August! May this new month be filled with adventures, fun and joy for you! 

I hope you enjoy your Intuitive card reading for August. My intention is that you receive the messages you need to support you for the month ahead. I used the Angel Guide deck by Kyle Gray.

Take a look at the two cards below. Which card are you drawn to? The one on the right or left? 


Don't scroll, pause. Ask your Higher Self what it wants you to know for August and let your intuition show you. 

the reveal. 


If you chose LEFT your card is: CUT THE CORDS


Take a breath and connect with the image. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising...
I recommend connecting with the image first and letting your intuition speak to you before reading ahead.

The guidance related to this card is:

"In spirituality, “cords” are the energetic bonds that connect us to a situation, person, or place. There are different types of cords, but in this context they are connections to situations or people that can have a negative and draining effect upon us.

We can also create a negative cord when we have an expectation of the outcome of a situation, especially when it is outside our control. So, this is an important time for you to release any attachments to people, places, situations, outcomes, or anything else that could be limiting your experience of joy. Angels are wrapping you in a light of love so that you can lovingly detach from situations that could be draining, dramatic, or damaging your health or purpose. 

If you are finding yourself “hanging on” in a situation you know is unhealthy or negative, angel wisdom is encouraging you to call upon the help you need to release yourself from it. Know that angels are guiding you to surrender the need to direct and control at this time, so you can welcome in the spiritual support that is available to you. When you ask your angels to support you in cutting the cords, they will help dissolve the connections that are hooking you into a negative situation.
You have to do your part, too, by removing yourself from harmful and draining situations.

If you have any questions regarding a situation, relationship, or outcome at this time, know that you are being guided to find a new way forward, as it will be more rewarding and replenishing for you.
Ultimately, cutting the cords is an act of self‐care and self‐love."  

If you chose RIGHT your card is: MOTHER-FATHER-GOD 


Take a breath and connect with the image. What comes up for you? Notice any feelings or thoughts arising...
I recommend connecting with the image first and letting your intuition speak to you before reading ahead.

The guidance related to this card says: 

"You are connected to the power of creation at this time. Your spiritual parent is enveloping you in their incredible love and filling you with divine energy and inspiration to help you move forward. This card is a message directly from the heart of God. It is telling you that you are significant and precious.
You are loved beyond measure and the Creator power is proud of you.
You are being encouraged to have faith and know that anything is possible for you.
No matter what you may be going through, you are always connected to the source of creation. Your angel guide is encouraging you to remember this now.

This card is one of healing and wholeness. Whatever stories you may have heard about God being judgmental must be washed away. Divine energy could never hold a grudge against you, for you are an extension of its love. The power and presence of the Creator are not only with you, but within you.

If you have ever felt that you aren’t good enough, or that you are being judged, or that you haven’t been the best you can be, know that you are forgiven. Angels are with you today to help create a healing wave between you and your divine parent.

This card also brings the possibility of parental healing. If you would like to clear up difficult energies between you and your parents or ancestry, know that angels are ready to help. They are guiding you to see the world through the eyes of Mother‐Father God and to remember that love can heal everything."  

I hope you enjoyed your reading and your message resonated with you! Whether you chose right or left it seems like a healing month for all. A time to clear out the cobwebs and drop any patterns which are no longer serving you. 

If you chose right and need support in cutting cords to negative people or situations, book yourself in for an Intuitive Spiritual Coaching session
If you chose left and are ready to clear up difficult energies with your Mum or Dad (or grandparents) book yourself in for an Intuitive Spiritual Coaching session

Free yourself in August!

Sending you much love and good vibes for your month ahead and always,
Chandrika 💛💙🧿🌺💚

PS: Fancy a personalised card reading for free? Simply recommend me! Recommend me to a friend who hasn't worked with me before and receive a free reading as a thank you gift! 😊


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