

Your Shadow is not bad


"Your shadow is not the part of you that is ‘bad’. It’s the part of you that needs more love" ~ Erin Telford. The recent Full Moon in Scorpio was a very potent Full Moon, and it may have caused old wounds or limiting beliefs to surface. The stuff you previously stuffed down may be finding its way up. That "stuff" is usually unhealed trauma, pain and fear. It's often referred to as the "shadow".

The shadow often gets a bad rep in spirituality and New Age thinking. However, it is not bad. I thin…

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Experience more Joy, Ease & Abundance

How are you? Have you checked in with yourself today to see how you are? Not how you are looking or acting but how you're feeling? I  hope you are great :) 

This week, I was listening to author Matt Kahn and through his teaching I created a very powerful mantra/affirmation. I've been reciting it ever since and the impact has been awesome, in such a short time! So of course I felt to share with you too, so it may benefit you also.


"I intend to experience more of the joy, ease and abunda…

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Stillness in stormy weather



I've been navigating a period of transition, from the end of last year until now.
Lots has shifted,
Friendships have shifted - some deepened and some long friendships have left.
People have shown their true colours..
.. and I've seen others' true colours more clearly than ever before.

In the midst of all that going on personally, professionally client sessions have become SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL AND TRANSFORMATIVE.
It's taken me a minute.
To come down.
To come back into myself.
To adjust.


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3 things to do before the Summer Solstice


It was my birthday last Saturday and I’ve been thinking a lot about cycles. It seems we’re always in one, no? One cycle is completing and a new one beginning. The Moon has her cycle every month. The Sun every year. The seasons cycle throughout the year. The upcoming solstice on 21st June marks the start of a new 6-month cycle, ending on the Winter solstice on 21st December.

Waxing and Waning

Yin and Yang

Completion and expansion

The cycles continue..

One’s birthday is significant as it is t…

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Change me into one who accepts & honours my body


I've been thinking a lot about beauty and body-acceptance. Perhaps because we are getting out and about more - out of loungewear - and perhaps a little physically heavier than before lockdown. I know so many people - both female and male - who are more disgusted and sad about their bodies than ever before. The way they look, the way they feel physically and the associated shame and self-blame. Since these emotions are too overwhelming, they've unconsciously disconnected from their bodies which o…

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I realised I had to forgive myself


I invite you to take a look at the image above. It's from my weekly #SundaySalvation messages posted on ChandeReiki's Facebook and Instagram pages.

As you read those words how did you feel? "YES DEFINITELY!" or "I'm not sure about that"? Or somewhere in between? There isn't a right or wrong answer. It's a great exercise to get in touch with your subconscious and become curious about your own inner beliefs. You may have thought "Yes, I know I deserve good things" but deep down you don't let your…

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The fear of speaking up for yourself


Here in England things have opened up, how are you finding it? Have you been inundated with invitations for outdoor meetings? Or maybe you've been the one making plans? I hope you've paused to check in with what you really want and how you really feel. Have you perhaps found yourself saying yes when really you wanted to say no? 

For me this week I had to speak up when a friend really wanted to meet for dinner (outside). Although we haven't seen each other since September, and he was trying to c…

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An exercise to bring you peace


Today is a New Moon. This happens every month but today's is particularly interesting because the Sun, Moon and 4 other planets are all in the energy of Aquarius. This concentrated energy means its a powerful day! You may like to read and/or recite the affirmation below (if it feels right) tonight. I especially like the first two lines "I reconnect with my authentic self.  feel my inner spark glow". There are no right or wrong practices at the New Moon (or Full Moon for that matter) just having …

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You can't save everyone

This is such a hard time for so many - often said to be the bleakest time of the year (cold, dark and now in lockdown in the UK). I feel you. If you're having a tough time and struggling, I get it. If you can't see how 2021 is going to be any different I get it. If you're worried for others, I get it. 

For many clients, and especially women in my life, I'm witnessing their exhaustion and emotional emptiness coming from a deep worry for others. So I felt to remind you, this wonderful community, …

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New Year, same AMAZING you


Happy New Year loved one!

How are you? I hope you enjoyed the festive period and I'm wishing you all the best and more for 2021!

How have the first few days of 2021 been for you so far? Begun the resolutions? The health kick regime? Become a Better You yet? 

But why do we need to become fitter, leaner, cleaner, have shinier hair, be more productive, upgrade our house/car/phone We're sold this idea that we need to be BETTER. We're told that how we are right now is not enough. Those sa…

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