
Self love

September 2023: Your Intuitive Reading

Happy September! I hope you enjoy your Intuitive card reading for September. My intention is that you receive the messages you need to support you for the month ahead. I used the Soul Coaching deck by Denise Linn.

Take a look at the two cards below. Which card are you drawn to? The one on the right or left? 


Don't scroll, pause. Ask your Higher Self what it wants you to know for this month and let your intuition show you. 

the reveal. 


If you chose LEFT your card is…

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Your Shadow is not bad


"Your shadow is not the part of you that is ‘bad’. It’s the part of you that needs more love" ~ Erin Telford. The recent Full Moon in Scorpio was a very potent Full Moon, and it may have caused old wounds or limiting beliefs to surface. The stuff you previously stuffed down may be finding its way up. That "stuff" is usually unhealed trauma, pain and fear. It's often referred to as the "shadow".

The shadow often gets a bad rep in spirituality and New Age thinking. However, it is not bad. I thin…

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Have you been rejected?

This has been a period of reflection for many. Maybe someone from your past has popped up. Maybe an old friend has reached out or you've felt to reach out to them. Or perhaps you've been going over old relationships in your mind without really knowing why. 

I've worked with a lot of clients this month going through exactly that. As I always say - things come up because they are ready to be healed.

One client in particular couldn't shake an ex from over 10 years ago. He was appearing in her dre…

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Experience more Joy, Ease & Abundance

How are you? Have you checked in with yourself today to see how you are? Not how you are looking or acting but how you're feeling? I  hope you are great :) 

This week, I was listening to author Matt Kahn and through his teaching I created a very powerful mantra/affirmation. I've been reciting it ever since and the impact has been awesome, in such a short time! So of course I felt to share with you too, so it may benefit you also.


"I intend to experience more of the joy, ease and abunda…

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Stillness in stormy weather



I've been navigating a period of transition, from the end of last year until now.
Lots has shifted,
Friendships have shifted - some deepened and some long friendships have left.
People have shown their true colours..
.. and I've seen others' true colours more clearly than ever before.

In the midst of all that going on personally, professionally client sessions have become SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL AND TRANSFORMATIVE.
It's taken me a minute.
To come down.
To come back into myself.
To adjust.


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Your body is working FOR you


"Your body is working FOR you" ~ Chandrika

How did you react as you read those words? Did you tense up? Resist? Or agree? Relax?

This can be a tricky one, because the relationship with our bodies is the longest relationship we'll ever have yet (very often) one of the most contentious, difficult relationships. 

- Maybe you don't believe your body is working *for* you.

- Maybe you feel your body is feel your body is letting you down and has let you down your whole life.

- Maybe you think you…

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When you don't want to set boundaries


How have you been recently? Up and down perhaps? A lot of my clients have been - and myself too. Experiencing high highs and things working out beautifully, and then low lows from nowhere! For me, the lows forced me to go deep within to the depths of the discord. When I came out (having healed my inner wounds) I had to set some serious boundaries and have awkward, difficult conversations that I really didn't want to have 😂

I'm going to be really honest here. I saw a surprising people pleasing p…

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Don't waste your time wasting your time


This week's #SundaySalvation on my social media was a strong one and I wanted to share it here with you. The response to this particular message was big, so it clearly resonated for many. See how it speaks to you:


In case you needed to hear this today: Don't waste your time wasting your time. 

Stop wasting your time on people, places and situations that don't serve you.
You deserve better.
Your time is precious.
Your energy and how you choose to focus it is precious.
So whether it's too much…

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3 things to do before the Summer Solstice


It was my birthday last Saturday and I’ve been thinking a lot about cycles. It seems we’re always in one, no? One cycle is completing and a new one beginning. The Moon has her cycle every month. The Sun every year. The seasons cycle throughout the year. The upcoming solstice on 21st June marks the start of a new 6-month cycle, ending on the Winter solstice on 21st December.

Waxing and Waning

Yin and Yang

Completion and expansion

The cycles continue..

One’s birthday is significant as it is t…

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When a blast from the past shows up..

Today marks a new beginning with a rare New Moon Solar Eclipse (were you able to see it this morning?) So if you've been feeling more sensitive, heightened emotions, old stuff coming up such as doubts and insecurities, you're not alone. We're just leaving the "Eclipse tunnel" we've been in for the past 2 weeks. After today, a period of newness begins. Once the debris has been cleared, then new opportunities (see last week's oracle reading) can arrive. Be ready of new ways of being woohoo! 


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